Adventure awaits you in the LOST TEMPLE. Take a trip through a Mayan Temple in search for the Golden Skull. Surprises and illusions await you in your quest! Fun for the whole family. Located across from Timbavati Wildlife Park on Wisconsin Dells Parkway. Groups are welcome!
- 44786/wisconsin-dells-attractions/Lost-Temple2458-01<p>Adventure awaits you in the LOST TEMPLE. Take a trip through a Mayan Temple in search for the Golden Skull. Surprises and illusions await you in your quest! Fun for the whole family. Located across from Timbavati Wildlife Park on Wisconsin Dells Parkway. Groups are welcome!</p>Lost Temple/Files/Partner-Images/Attr-Partner-Images/LostTemple_1.jpgExterior of the Lost Temple.Adventure awaits you in the LOST TEMPLE. Fun for the whole family.Lost Temple37371/Places/Attraction/Lost-Temple.htm2458-012255 Wisconsin Dells PkwyWisconsin DellsWI53965(608) 254-4548https://www.dellslosttemple.com/Files/Images/Global-Images/GoogleMap_Default.jpghttp://www.facebook.com/dellslosttempleLost TempleAge GroupAttraction TypeBlog - Age GroupBlog - CategoryBlog - SeasonCommunity TypeConvention AmenitiesCountry - NWS Data ModulesDeal CategoryDining TypeDiscountDowntown CategoryEvent Audience - NWS Data ModulesEvent CategoryEvent Type - NWS Data ModulesExpected AttendanceIcon SetLocality - NWS Data ModulesLodging TypeMember
- Lost Temple
NWS Data ModulesTopic - NWS Data ModulesPersonID - NWS Data ModulesPlaces Country - NWS Data Modules- United States
Region - NWS Data ModulesShopping TypeSite Display - NWS Data ModulesSports AmenitiesSports CategorySports Facility TypesSupplier TypeTopic - NWS Data ModulesVisitor Services TypeWaterpark TypeAge GroupAmenities- Military Discounts
Attraction Type- Other Attractions
Blog - Age GroupBlog - CategoryBlog - SeasonCommunity TypeConvention AmenitiesCountry - NWS Data ModulesDeal CategoryDining TypeDiscount- Military Discount
Downtown CategoryEvent Audience - NWS Data ModulesEvent CategoryEvent Type - NWS Data ModulesExpected AttendanceLocality - NWS Data ModulesLodging TypeMember- Lost Temple
NWS Data ModulesTopic - NWS Data ModulesPersonID - NWS Data ModulesPlaces Country - NWS Data ModulesRegion - NWS Data ModulesSeason- ALL
Shopping TypeSite Display - NWS Data ModulesSports AmenitiesSports CategorySports Facility TypesSupplier TypeTopic - NWS Data ModulesVisitor Services TypeWaterpark Type548152024-11-26T12:25:37.71300